Order Process
Contact the office by email at lauren@customsewingbylauren.com
Please allow one business day for a response.
Office Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
During our first conversation, a brief room evaluation will take place in preparation for fabric, trim, hardware and shade samples.
This non-refundable fee is due on the date of consultation. If an order is placed, this amount will be applied toward your invoice total. The appointment consists of a comprehensive evaluation and personalized design. Select from a complete sample library of fabrics, trims, drapery hardware, blinds, shades, and shutters.
A Job Proposal will be provided within two business days after your Consultation. At this time, pricing is honored for 21 days. The Consultation Fee will be considered as part of your payment and deducted from the order total. A 75% deposit is required to place an order. The balance is not due until the date of installation. Job Updates are provided via email. Payments are accepted in the form of cash, check or credit.
The Covid pandemic has continued, lingering effects on the supply chain as well as shipping schedules. The current availability of all products selected for your job is provided on the Job Proposal. You would be advised of any backorder dates prior to placing a firm order. Upon request, comparable substitutes would be recommended for any items with a lengthy backorder delay.
Safety is foremost important.
If any member of your household has been recently exposed to or is currently experiencing ANY TYPE of cold/flu symptom, kindly contact the office to reschedule your appointment.
For those with compromised health, we will wear masks at your request. Please make this request prior to your appointment.